lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

capacete-brasil.. convocatorias.

CAPACETE Entretenimentos

Rio de Janeiro - Rua do Russel nº 300, ap. 601, Glória, Rio de Janeiro / RJ. São Paulo - Av. Ipiranga, 200 – Bloco C – ap. 221, República, São Paulo / SP, Brasil.


Project Description:

"Typewriter" is a program organized by CAPACETE Entretenimentos, which aims to stimulate the formation and curatorial production of young professionals and simultaneously contribute to public critical debate on contemporary art practices in Brasil and abroad. This initiative primarily establishes a study and working group to address curatorial practice emphasizing writing as a privileged mean for critical thinking. Between March and December 2013, 3 sessions will be held in the city of São Paulo, in different venues and cultural centers (CAPACETE, Goethe Institut, Casa do Povo). Each session will last 10 days, counting 6 hours of meeting per day. The group will be composed of a maximum of 10 professionals, between invited and selected guests (Brazilian and foreigners) as well as guest teachers. The program will also feature 2 free public presentations to share the work that will be developped and a 3rd final presentation. The material developed during the year, as well as two texts to be comissioned will become have assume a printed format and will be launched during the last public presentation.

The conceptual framework of the project essentially consists of three co-dependent lines of research:

- Establishment of a glossary of terms and concepts that will be determinated and worked with and by the group in order to establish a common field for discussion and collective constructions. Rather than creating an exhaustive and definitive dictionary of key terms, this glossary will serve as the basis for a rigorous exercise to operate criticaly while debating, as well as for the textual production of the group.

- Research in the constitution of discourses – the starting point and the origin, as well as the directions and destinies of discourse and narrative as methodology. What are the hidden structures present in the statement forms, grammatical structures, and pronouns? How language speaks and makes speak. What can happen if we operate a displacement of the narrative and instead talking and writing"about" we would do it "from" (something, an object, a place, a situation...); a change in the position of the object and the subject.

- Possible formats for curating visual art: publications, blogs, exhibitions, radio and presentations. formats and the possible devices for the production and presentation critique. One of the objectives of this research also concerns the elaborationt of the final presentation and the publication, which will be launched in December 2013.
The structure:

- Composition of the study and working group:
CAPACETE Entretenimentos will invite three young Brazilian comissaires and make an open call for applications to receive 3 selected professionals from Braazil, or living in the country for more than 2 years. 4 international members will be invited by CAPACETE and included in the group.

The tutors will be selected among international professionals that have a practice related to critical and experimental writing related to the field of visual art and will lead workshops and presentations for the group. Manuela Moscoso and Amilcar Packer will follow and coordinate the program, the presentatios and workshops, as well as the publication.

The activities to be supported by this project are basically divided into two types: the study group meetings and the public presentations. The program is completely free to participants.

Public presentations:

Public presentations will be designed as a restitution of the work realized by the members of the study group, submitting the material to a wider public critical discussion.

- First public presentation - introduction to the conceptual framework of the project and presentation of the initiatives of the group members.

- Second presentation - presentation of the work developed during the previous meetings.

- Third presentation - final restitution of the project and launch of the publication.

All presentations will be public and free, and will take place in different spaces and cultural centers in the city of São Paulo (CAPACETE residence, Casa do Povo, Goethe Institute).

- Publication:
The publication will not only consist of a restitution of the program but will also be developed as a format for a curatorial display and device. It will be composed of two comissioned texts as well as texts produced by the group, the lexicon research, and interviews made by the group to some of the tutors of the program.

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