martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

PASI Call for Participation


NSF Sponsored
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute
Manufacturing Innovation through Sustainable Design
July 14 - 27, 2013

Barranquilla, Colombia 
This communication announces the Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Manufacturing Innovation through Sustainable Design, a special workshop for junior academicians involved in research and/or teaching in topics related to the institute.  The workshop aims to address the need for fundamental research and holistic training in sustainability for product design, manufacturing, and supply chain management by bringing together researchers and educators from across the Americas to gain and share knowledge through lectures, seminars, discussions, industry tours, and to foster multinational and multidisciplinary research collaborations. Over the course of the two-week program, participants will also complete a draft research proposal in collaborative teams.

Participants must stay for the entire PASI program and participate in all activities.  The PASI event will be conducted in English.

The group of participants will consist of junior academicians from across the Americas (Canada, U.S., Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean) including assistant professors, postdoctoral fellows and researchers, and advanced Ph.D. candidates.
The U.S. National Science Foundation will sponsor this event with support from the hosting institution,  Universidad Del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia.

Due to the generous support of the U.S. National Science Foundation, registration is free and stipends are available to defray travel costs (up to $2,000 for international participants, $1,500 for local participants requiring air travel, and $400 for local participants without air travel). Note that participants from the U.S. must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents to qualify for a travel stipend.  No such requirement applies to those coming from other Americas countries.

Applications are now being taken on-line at the  PASI website

The following must be submitted on-line (as a single file) for consideration:
(1) Online application form (including a commitment to attend the full 2-week institute): See PASI event website
(2) 250 word abstract of research you would like to collaborate on with PASI participants
(3) 500 word description of why you wish to participate in the PASI program
(4) A letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor (required of students only)

On-line Application Submission Deadline: February 28, 2013
Acceptance Decision: March 31, 2013

If you are a senior professor, please distribute this announcement to any junior professor or doctoral student whom you believe would be interested.

Contacto: Dirección Nacional de Relaciones y Cooperación-UDELAR. 

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