martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Between Bodies: 2013 MA Art and Curatorial Practicum Exhibition at USC Roski School of Fine Arts

Left: Artur Barrio, Situação…….. T/T1……. (Situation…….. T/T1…….) (detail), 1970. Slideshow of digitally reproduced photographs by Cesar Carneiro. Courtesy the artist. Right: Andrea Longacre-White, Untitled (touchscreen), 2013. Archival inkjet print. 24 x 36 inches. Courtesy the artist.*
USC Roski School of Fine Arts

Between Bodies: 2013 MA Art and
Curatorial Practicum Exhibition

April 20–May 11, 2013

Opening: April 20, 6–9pm

1516 S. Flower Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015Hours: Tuesday–Saturday 12–6pmFree and open to the public

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