martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

Call for Proposals for BLOOM UP part of RODEO 2018

Call for Proposals for BLOOM UP
part of RODEO 2018  
das Münchner Tanz- und Theaterfestival

In cooperation with the Goethe-Institut e.V., the festival RODEO will be organizing for the second time the residency programme BLOOM UP in October 2018 (11. − 14.10.2018).

The programme provides scope for the research and development of work and for exchange.

BLOOM UP invites freelance artists in the performing arts from Munich and abroad to apply for working fellowships with a joint project.

It is expected that the submitted projects are significant and artistically valuable, and linked in each case to the independent scene in the city of Munich (cooperation with actors / institutions of the independent scene, explorations of aesthetics, practices, history or places).

BLOOM UP expressly abstains from setting a theme and imposing an obligation to present a complete production. The only condition is that the artists make their initial work results accessible to the public in whatever form they choose.

To enable the opportunity for exchange, RODEO, in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut e.V., provides:

- A grant of 5,000 euros for production costs

- After agreement, defrayal of travel costs and compensation for expenses (accommodation and a daily allowance abroad) for preparatory meetings at home or abroad

- Defrayal of travel expenses to Munich, accommodation cost and compensation for expenses during the residency in Munich

- Fixed working period from 25.09. to 14.10.2018 in Munich (provision of a work space and technical support during presentation as part of RODEO 2018)

Applicants must submit:

- Description of the artistic project (not more than two pages)

- Explicit statement of the link to the independent scene in Munich (as described above)

- Commitment of the relevant artist or institution

- Biographical information on all the participating artists

- If possible, additional material relevant to the participating artists’ work (photographs, trailers, video clips, reviews)

Applications must be submitted by e-mail by 30.04.2017 to:

If you have any questions, please direct them to the provided e-mail address.
Notification of participation will be announced in May.

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